Category Archive: Microsoft

Fan Boy Developers


Programming is one of the most healthy professions in the world. The students of computer science, computer engineering and even from business backgrounds are trying their luck and making fortune in this field.… Continue reading



Windows XP, a name of  popularity, fame and a backbone of all operating systems has worked as tremendous discovery of Microsoft but support for the 11-year-old operating system is waning. The upcoming upgraded… Continue reading

Intel new Atom Chip pays no respect for Linux


A bad news for all Linux users, new Intel Clover Trail chip is not going to support Linux and it is best for only Windows 8. However the chip contains an x86 family… Continue reading

Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop:


Microsoft has decided that today it will launch Visual studio express 2012 for windows desktop. Microsoft has been releasing products including Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 today. Although it has been available… Continue reading

Internet Explorer 10 Flash Plugin: a Vulnerability


Internet Explorer 10 is not getting Flash updates on time Like Google chrome, internet explorer 10 on windows 8 bundles a flash player within the browser. But internet explorer is not getting flash… Continue reading

Windows 8 will be degradable to Windows 7 and Vista


Windows 8 Pro could be downgraded to earlier versions of Windows Windows 8 is no doubt Microsoft‘s biggest bet as their unchallenged dominance in the desktop OS could be challenged for the first… Continue reading